In this modern age of instant social interaction and access to people we have respect for, the world has become a very small place. Twenty years ago, maybe even ten years ago, we'd have probably had to send a letter care of a publisher in order to get a message to an individual developer and there was no guarantee they'd ever see it, let alone reply. Now we can jump on twitter and get in touch with almost anybody – celebrities, politicians and, yes, even video game developers.
So when Ben Davis wrote an article for Gametaffy called "David Jaffe Sold Out," he probably didn't expect it to get back to David Jaffe, who wasn't very happy with how the article portrayed him.
"Although most should not be surprised by Sony requiring an Online Pass with Twisted Metal," Davis wrote, "many are hurt by creator David Jaffe’s refusal to fight the decision. After stating several times that an Online Pass would hurt Twisted Metal when it launched, Jaffe announced the addition by stating that he understood Sony’s decision."
Other than the focus on David Jaffe in the title and the paragraph above, it was a fairly pedestrian anti-code article and, yes, he's completely right that it's a ridiculous way of dealing with the used market "problem." It's also a very profitable one.
Jaffe responded via his Twitter account:
"Love the new tabloid , poorly reported 'article' accusing me of being a sell out cuz TM has an online pass. If the wanna be journalist had actually done their job they would have learned 1)its not my game to decide if it has an online pass- we don't own Twisted Metal and we did not fund the game and 2- I've publicly been in favor of many online passes INCLUDING one for TM2PS3 if we ever make a sequel- I just did not want 1 for THIS game cause we need to revels franchise and every person playing- even if we make no cash- helps for when we launch a sequel which- again- I WOULD support an online pass for. Fucking stupid, poorly educated write- dude should be ashamed of himself for sucking so much at his job."
Apparently David Jaffe doesn't enjoy being called a sell out. Gametaffy has since been inundated by Jaffe's followers and has received multiple comments condemning the article.