Does this make you more invested in Kay Vess? What else do you want to learn about the character before playing the game? Let us know below!
When it comes to a story, regardless of the media it’s in, you must have a main character that the audience can connect to in various ways. They don’t necessarily have to be a good/bad person. They just need to showcase enough for people to be invested in them. Ubisoft has had many unique protagonists over the years, and the upcoming Star Wars Outlaws will be no different. Within this original title set within the original movie trilogy, we’ll meet Kay Vess, an outlaw who is quite different from other leads we’ve met in this galaxy. As Ubisoft revealed, that was the point from the start.
Game Informer interviewed the game’s Narrative Director, Navid Khavari, and he revealed in that interview that the setting, timeline, and focus on Kay as a thief and outlaw was important in setting the game’s direction. But when asked about who Kay really was, he noted:
“Kay and her companion, Nix, fight every day to survive, relying on their skills and resourcefulness as thieves to get through. Kay’s dream is to land a score that will allow her to live life free and find her place in the galaxy. This is especially true after a heist goes wrong, and she unexpectedly becomes one of the galaxy’s most wanted. By necessity, she’ll step into the underworld and take on jobs with criminal syndicates with the aim to pull off one of the greatest heists the galaxy has seen.”
He further noted that Kay is quick-witted, hotheaded, and “willing to risk it all” to get what she wants, but she also doesn’t have a full measure of what it means to be in this galaxy with everything happening. For example, she may or may not believe in The Force, reflecting another scoundrel we’ve met in Han Solo if you recall his first encounters with Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Despite her bravado, she is a vulnerable character, which Navid and the Star Wars Outlaws team were interested in diving into.
In terms of branching storylines and endings, the Narrative Director did say that her “main beats” will always be the same, as would her ending in the overall. The “variables,” if you will, pertain to her “reputation” and how the various syndicates and other groups view her.
Here’s hoping that when we get to see the full adventures of Kay Ves and Nix, we’ll enjoy the ride and hope to see her get the happy ending she wants.