Are you disappointed that the game is down until next year? Do you intend to play it when it comes back? Let us know below!
When the rumors of Multiversus first hit the internet, many saw it for “what it was.” Specifically, they felt that this was yet another attempt by yet another game studio to bring together characters and properties that reside under one banner and make a video game from it. Nintendo did it best. Sony tried and failed with theirs, then Nickelodeon stepped up and delivered a fun experience. With this game, it was Warner Bros Discovery’s turn, and to their credit, they did better than people expected. They focused on 2v2 matches overall and had quite a unique roster in the title.
Characters like Batman, Shaggy, Lebron James, the Gremlins, Tom & Jerry, Arya Stark, Rick & Morty, and more filled the game, and it was a success almost instantly. Despite the title being an “open alpha” or beta, the game had millions of players trying it out. But that’s when things started getting weird.
Despite it being an alpha/beta, players could pay to unlock content, which helped make the game plenty of money as gamers didn’t want to grind. Then, there were season passes for the title, typically only seen when a game was complete.
But after all of that, Player First Games dropped the bombshell that the game would be “shutting down” for months so that it could “Fix things.” That shutdown officially happened yesterday, and as VGC notes, if you try to play anything online, you’ll get this message:
“Thank you for your support throughout our Open Beta! The feedback and inspiration has been amazing. On June 25, we’ll be closing the MultiVersus Open Beta as we prepare for our launch in early 2024. We plan to be back and better than ever with new content, features, modes and more when the game returns next year and will ensure that all of your progress and content will carry over. In the meantime, please stay tuned for updates as we work towards the next phase of MultiVersus.”
The announcement didn’t go over well with fans when it was stated a few months back, and players likely will have even more mixed feelings now. After all, those who paid well to get access to all the content have wasted their money to an extent. Player First Games did say that all progress would be saved, but that doesn’t mean much if you can’t play the game.
So now the long wait for 2024 begins, and one can only wonder what the game will be like when it returns.