Since the video went live it has been viewed 43K times. Here are what some viewers had to say.
I want a new transformation for earthlings, one like master roshis transformation would be amazing.
David J – YouTube Comment
We probably won’t hear any official news about Xenoverse 3 until after Tenkaichi 4 releases, I have a feeling XV3 is going to be a massive game.
1nfamous_DJP_Gaming – YouTube Comment
That’s actually insane. I know they are just there for support and might just be assuming, but the fact that they acknowledge how you are crucial for community feedback. Good stuff bro, we’ll have to see what happens in the future. I’m actually gonna try and send one as well just to see what is said.
SLOplays – YouTube Comment
Original Story…
The Dragon Ball Xenoverse franchise has been a hit, and today fans are still enjoying Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. This installment launched back in 2016, but the development team at Dimps is still bringing out new DLC for the game. So for some players, it might have been assumed that the development studio is not plotting out a launch for the next installment anytime soon. But a new leak could have just confirmed Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3 is further along in development.
As mentioned, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 has well over twenty pieces of DLC available, and Dimps is still bringing content into the mix. The latest of which came out earlier this month with the launch of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 – Hero of Justice Pack 2. That DLC brought in new playable characters, missions, quests, a new stage, costumes, and more.
However, it could be that these DLC drops will start to slow down a bit as the development team prepares fans for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3. That’s thanks to an email that one player received from Bandai Namco.
YouTube channel Burcol recently received an email from Bandai Namco support after providing feedback to Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. During the email, we received a mention of the next installment. The problem is that Dimps nor Bandai Namco had actually revealed that a new game was in the works, so now fans are getting their first mention of the next game being developed.
In particular, the section of the email that mentions the game reads as follows.
Considering the popularity of these forms among your viewers, it would be great to explore the possibility of incorporating them into future updates or the upcoming Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3. The feedback you’ve gathered can serve as valuable insights for the development team, helping them prioritize and consider these new Awoken Skills.
Bandai Namco – YouTube Email
Of course, we’re still awaiting confirmation that Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3 is being developed. This might have very well been a mistake from a support representative, and a new game is not in the works. But with as much success that Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 has had, it would be unlikely that a third game wouldn’t be considered.
For now, players can continue playing through Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, which is available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC platforms.