If you’re wondering who the young Rito was that we saw in the trailer, it’s Tulin!
Instead of talking about Tears Of The Kingdom and its new trailer, we need to backtrack first and discuss Breath of the Wild. Why? Because when the game came out, you would’ve been hard-pressed to find a single person who was willing to badmouth the game in any significant way. There were numerous perfect scores for the title and that helped it instantly get into the Game of the Year rankings, which it would eventually win. However, as time went on, there were a few “oddities” that helped people settle into what they felt the “true measure” of the game was. One of those things was Ganon.
As one would expect from the franchise, Ganon was the final boss of the title. Specifically, this form was “Calamity Ganon,” a version of Ganon that was sealed away by Zelda after unlocking her powers and was able to hold him at bay for over 100 years while Link rested. However, when you faced Calamity Ganon, he transformed into Beast Ganon, and many gamers now admit that this wasn’t the best way to end the game. The final boss fight wasn’t too challenging, and it felt like they ignored one of the best villains in video games.
The team at Nintendo definitely heard your cries because, in Tears Of The Kingdom, Ganondorf is back, he talks, and many people have a positive opinion about his “new look.” This all started when Nintendo of America posted the tweet below highlighting Ganondorf’s “rehydrated form”:
If you don’t recall, in the first teaser for the game, Zelda and Link came across a pile of bones that many suspected was Ganondorf. Little did fans know what his “final form” would be, and many took to social media to showcase how “in love” they were with the look:
If nothing else, this proves that some people love the bad guy. To be fair, we can tell that Ganondorf will be more than just a swole boss in the title. We see him crippling Link and the Master Sword in the new trailer that dropped today and unleashing new evil upon the land of Hyrule. Oh, and he raises Hyrule Castle off the ground, because of course he did that.
While fans are happy to have Ganondorf back, the question still remains whether the game will have a more satisfying boss fight this time around. We’ll find out soon as the game arrives on May 12th!