We now have new details on what to expect for Season 17 of Apex Legends.

As reported by Insider Gaming, several skins have leaked, alongside several upcoming events.
The first skin shows Revenant, wearing formal attire as well as a new faceplate. The second skin is for Mad Maggie, a Valkyrie themed armor that comes with wings. Lastly, Loba gets a new skin where she is completely covered with a facemask.
Season 17 will be the launch of several events in Apex Legends. That includes Rivals, Hitman, Neon, and Alien. We don’t know the details of these events yet, but if the rumor is true, of course, we won’t be waiting that long to find out.
There will also be a Battle Pass themed around mechs. That Battle Pass may feature the new skins that have also been leaked.
These include a Bangalore skin, a Vantage skin, and most interestingly, the Octane Heist Skin from the Lifeline STFO. In the STFO, Lifeline still had his legs, but this skin will feature him using his mechanical prosthetic legs. These new legs will have a red filament style that will match up with the rest of his costume.
Previously, Insider Gaming had reported on the Rumble Royal mode, which is named as close as possible to WWE trademark infringement while not quite crossing the line.
Rumble Royal in Apex Legends amounts to battle royale modes in the games their rivals make. The big difference is that players go in solo instead of being part of teams.
This solo mode will drop player’s legend abilities. Instead, players will have to find consumables to add to their default abilities. These will include a speed boosting Stim, an invisibility cloak, EMP device, a melee boost called Berserk, and Swap, a strange ability that lets you change places with an enemy.
Weapons will also change in Rumble Royal, with abilities like Ricochet, Explosive, Incendiary, as well as the preexisting Disruptor ability that attacks shields. It will also include Smart, an ability from Respawn’s Titanfall, that gives players a smart pistol that locks onto enemies automatically.
There will also be a new specialist, an older man named August Brinkman and nicknamed Ballistic.
We can’t vouch for these finer details, but Ballistic is supposedly assault class, with the ability to hold three weapons. Ballistic’s Smart Bullet removes enemy buffs, and his Ultimate, Weapon Enhancer, will give his allies infinite ammo, as well as faster movement and reloads.
This is all a lot of information to be possibly true. But since this information was leaked, it’s likely Apex Legends will be seeing them all in the final release date. The only way that would change is if Respawn made some more changes in development, but that’s really unlikely.