If you were to hear that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have gotten another bug/glitch that is hurting the experience for players, your reaction might be, “I’m shocked. Shocked! Ok, not that shocked.” Because, to be blunt, the games haven’t had the cleanest bill of health since their launch in November. But as the months passed, many hoped that The Pokemon Company and Game Freak would work hard to ensure that anything released post-launch would be nearly flawless. Unfortunately, however, that has proven not to be the case. Recently, a Paradox Raid Event featuring two new Paradox Pokemon happened, and some people were met with a terrible glitch during it.
If you were to do the raid event, you would be able to catch the Paradox form of Suicune, known as Walking Wake, or Virizion, aka Iron Leaves. However, if you tried to do the raid without updating to version 1.2, you would have a problem. You’d catch the Pokemon and be given an egg you couldn’t hatch. Oops.
Thankfully, ComicBook.com reveals that The Pokemon Company is working on a fix and will deliver a patch with the adjustments in late April. That is a bit of a wait for fans, but at least it’s getting addressed and fixed. To add to the benefit, they’ll be doing a redo of the raid event so that you can try to catch Walking Wake and Iron Leaves properly. Hopefully, there won’t be another glitch when that happens.
Sadly, this is just the latest in a long line of bugs/glitches for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. It’s been going on since the game’s launch, and this latest one will likely make people wonder if all future raids or DLC will have these kinds of issues.
The reason that many fans are bad about all the bugs is simple. When Game Freak released the previous generations of Pokemon, they may have had bugs in them, but they weren’t as bad as Gen 9 has been. Think about it, what’s the last generation you played that had bugs so bad that The Pokemon Company and Game Freak had to rush to get a fix done? Of course, there are always going to be bugs in video games. That’s inevitable. But when the ones you see on the screen should be fixed before launch? That gives gamers pause.
Plus, with the two-part DLC for Gen 9 coming out this year, the last thing gamers want is to jump into those and be met with more bugs.