The Pokemon Company has just unveiled a new device that works with – yes, Pokemon Sleep. Pokemon Sleep is real.

Pokemon Sleep is a sleeping app which tracks your sleeping data, and determines which Pokemon is closest to sharing your sleeping pattern. The full details of how this acts like a game has not yet been fully revealed. However, The Pokemon Company’s trailer shows several elements that seem to be related to the gameplay, which we will discuss below.
In the game scenario, the game is actually set in a big island which has a really big Snorlax (because of course it does). Pokemon Sleep also introduces a Professor Neroli, whose specialty is Pokemon sleeping research.
As for the game preview, it looks very similar to other sleeping apps, using Pokemon language, of course. Pokemon Sleep categorizes three different sleeping types; dozing, snoozing, and slumbering. Each Pokemon fits into one of these types, but they also have distinct sleep styles. Some sleep styles are categorized as rarer than others.
In game, what you will see is different Pokemon gathering around Snorlax, with sleep types and sleep styles that mirror how you sleep, as recorded by Pokemon Sleep.
If you have used mobile sleeping apps before, you’ll know that these apps can be very helpful to people with different sleeping problems, but some people also use it and see zero benefits.
Could this be The Pokemon Company’s next sleeper hit with Niantic? We don’t know, but Niantic’s involvement suggests that there will be a fully featured system and full monetization, much like with Niantic’s other games, Pokemon Go, and the shuttered Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.
Just to drive the Pokemon Go connection home, Pokemon Sleep was announced alongside Pokemon Go Plus +, a new device that works in Pokemon Go just like Pokemon Go Plus and Poke Ball Plus.

Pokemon Go Plus + has the same sensors that you have in your phone to track your sleeping patterns, so you can just place it in your bed every time you go to sleep. In game, there is a virtual Pikachu inside the Pokemon Go Plus +, and it will interact with you, even bond with you, the more you use it.

There will be more functionality added to Pokemon Go Plus + for Pokemon Go, but it’s already an incredible device as is. It will automatically spin all Poke Stops and catch Pokemon for you, if you just carry it around anywhere you go. When you do take it out, with a button press, you can use Great Balls or Ultra Balls to catch Pokemon.
Regardless of how much of a game Pokemon Sleep will be, the promise of Pokemon Go interaction is likely to drive its userbase up. Keep reading GameRanx as we learn more about Pokemon Sleep and share updates with you.
In the meantime, you can watch the trailers for Pokemon Sleep and Pokemon Go Plus + below.