EA have shared a new trailer revealing the contents for Battlefield 2042’s upcoming Battle Pass for Season 4: Eleventh Hour.

The listing below indicates each item, their Tier, whether they are free or premium, and a small description.
- Irish “Greenback” Skin
Tier 0
New Specialist Set
- PP-29 “Blowback” Skin
Tier 0
New Weapon Skin
- Camila Blasco
Tier 4
New Recon
- Taser Baton
Tier 15
New Takedown
- SPH Explosive Launcher
Tier 16
New Assault Gadget
- Casper “Prodigal Son” Skin
Tier 20
New Specialist Set
- RPT-31
Tier 22
New Weapon
- CAV-Brawler
Tier 28
New Vehicle
- PJP-BP “Buried Resistance” Skin
Tier 30
New Weapon Skin
- Super 500
Tier 34
New Sidearm Weapon
- YG-99 Hannibal “Gnawed” Skin
Tier 41
New Vehicle Skin
- Crawford “Cerberus” Skin
Tier 50
New Specialist Set
- CAV-Brawler “Earthshaker” Skin
Tier 60
New Vehicle Skin
- AC9 “Nailed Down” Skin
Tier 70
New Weapon Skin
- RM68 “Natural Order” Skin
Tier 80
New Weapon Skin
- Dozer “Cold Protector” Skin
Tier 90
New Specialist Set
- Blasco “Fault Line” Skin
Tier 100
New Specialist Skin
We had previously covered the gameplay trailer for Season 4, who introduced Camile Blasco, Battlefield 2042’s incoming specialist. As we had noted before, Blasco’s specialty is infiltration and going undetected, and its traits that would serve a player well if they were more interested in stealth than being the one person army going gung-ho on the map and getting beat early.
Blasco gets her own skin at the end of her introductory Battle Pass, but you also have to earn the right to play her, by going up to Tier 4 first.
We also covered some early leaks for Battlefield 2042’s 4th season content. EA DICE have yet to confirm these details so far, but of course, Battlefield 2042 players won’t have to wait that long to find out if it’s just as we had described them or not.
It’s worth noting that this content received considerable delay unusual for a live service game like Battlefield. The reason for this is that EA DICE committed to fixing the game’s issues before moving forward with new additional content. Even if they’re experiencing it a bit late, Battlefield players are experiencing Battlefield 2042 now as it was intended.
Battlefield 2042 Season 4: Eleventh Hour will be releasing on February 28, 2023. Battlefield 2042 is available to play on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Windows, via Steam and the EA client. You can watch the trailer below.