We've all seen the picture above and laughed as if we didn't know it applied to us. The truth is that those pesky digital achievements are just that much more fun than regular achievements and hearing that sound when you unlock a trophy by, for instance, sliding down the fireman's pole in Ghostbusters, makes you glow with pride like you're a child again, actually being rewarded for your excellence.
Now you can almost get an achievement for actually leaving the house, an idea that I'm not sure will catch on. Achievement Life is a game for Android and iOS phones that has you uploading and sharing pictures of your achievements to be voted on by the community. You'll be able to vote on others, as well as sharing your achievements through Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
I'm not sure how long it'll be until the top ten achievements become something like "Achievement received: showed her nipples," but it's an interesting idea either way.