I can get pretty passionate about my video game characters. If Bioware decided that they were turning Garrus into a pretty emo boy, I’d be near inconsolable. I don’t know if I’d go the whole nine yards and send the developer death threats like some Devil May Cry fans have, though.
According to Ninja Theory's Tameem Antoniades, there’s been an insane amount of backlash over the design changes. “…I was half prepared for it, although I have to say that it has been pretty eye opening to see some of the creative ways in which people have chosen to vent their hatred.” Antoniades told Official Xbox Magazine. “We didn't expect death threats in comic book form or anti-DmC death metal songs!"
"Though I must say, lots of people have come and said that they are now interested in DmC whereas they had previously lost interest in the series. We'll see how this plays out."
At least they know their fanbase is dedicated.