Where Winds Meet looks like it could be one of the most exciting games to look forward to at the moment. The intriguing-looking RPG was first revealed during last year’s Gamescom Opening Night Live segment, and debuted with a stunning trailer during the event.
Ever since, the team at Everstone Studios have been continuing to work on the ambitious title, which has now been showcased for the first time in greater length. The developers took part in a live stream of their project earlier, which can now be viewed online for those eager to get a glimpse of some of what this medieval-era China-based game has to offer. The footage, which is roughly an hour long, gives players the first real look at what Where Winds Meet will look and feel like in terms of gameplay.
It’s fair to say it looks equally as gorgeous as the cinematic trailer it premiered with at Gamescom back in August. You can check out the replay of the stream right here. The discussion on the stream is in Chinese, however, it’s the first time that actual gameplay footage of Where Winds Meet has been shown, so there’s plenty to watch and get a feel for even if you aren’t able to follow along with the developers’ commentary.
As can be seen in the footage, the game looks like it’s set to deliver on the sprawling but beautiful open-world scale first suggested back in the summer. Some of the player character’s combat moves are also showcased during the footage, which allows viewers to explore a number of landscapes, fighting encounters, riding and mounting mechanics.
In addition, viewers can check out a few conversations and cutscenes with NPCs and generally get an overall grasp of the game’s minimal UI style. A time-shifting mechanic is also showcased, which appears to allow players to pass time forward to progress the hours of the day. There’s also a look at what appears to be the player’s inventory and equipment screens, as well as what appears to be a glossary of sorts when it comes to weaponry and other items.
Essentially, there’s a lot to check out in this video if you’ve been keen to learn more about Where Winds Meet and how it might play. Although there’s no further word as of yet on a release date for the title, it certainly looks as though progress is developing well if this footage is anything to go by. Where Winds Meet takes place during the decline of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period of Chinese history and aims to build a fantasy world in this gorgeous setting. Hopefully, we’ll hear more about this game and a potential release window for it in the coming months.