Given all the goodwill that Cyberpunk 2077 has accrued for itself over the last couple of months, you’d swear that the game has “always been this way.” But that’s not even close to being true. The title started out as a game that took many years to complete. First, developer CD Project Red announced it years back and would only get sporadic updates if we were lucky. Then, when we finally started to get traction on the title, the release date kept moving back until, eventually, it was released in late 2020. But that wasn’t the end of things. It was only the beginning.
Because the moment the game dropped, a wave of backlash hit it. The title was one of the most broken games ever released. There were bugs everywhere, consoles players couldn’t enjoy it, and while the PC build was more stable, you had to have a top-of-the-line PC to enjoy it, and many gamers didn’t have that.
The game was so broken that multiple stores stopped selling it, and other gave refunds to those who wanted nothing more to do with the title. That caused CD Projekt Red to drastically change the future of the game’s updates and DLC. It didn’t look good for all involved, and the dev team’s value plummeted.
Everything changed when Cyberpunk: Edgerunners came out on Netflix. The anime built up hype for the title again, and players decided to jump back into Night City. When they did, they realized that the game was improved far beyond what it was at launch. The game hit a new high in concurrent players, and the sales of the game surged to great numbers. Fast forward to now, and people are speaking positively about Cyberpunk 2077 again and are excited about the new content via Phantom Liberty, the story DLC for the title.
To celebrate the trailer that the DLC got at The Game Awards last night, CD Projekt Red has revealed that the game is now 50% off on Steam and the Epic Games Store.
Why drop the price in half like that? It’s hard to say. Perhaps they’re trying to cash in on the goodwill they’ve earned. Maybe they want to see another surge in sales. It could be lots of things.
CD Projekt Red probably wants as many people in Night City as possible, and if that means they slash the prices to make that happen? Then that’s what they’ll do.
Source: Twitter