Even if you’re a diehard fan of Blizzard and its works, you must admit that the company is hardly spotless when it comes to doing “the right thing.” Longtime gamers of their products will happily tell you that Blizzard, especially when they became Activision Blizzard, has taken the “greedy way” with their titles versus the “fair way.” Unfortunately, that “path” has been ever-present recently thanks to titles like Diablo Immortal and Overwatch 2. The former is basically a cash grab that is unapologetically corrupt and meant to siphon money from players, which they’ve done. The latter is supposed to be a “title for the people,” yet it has gone to great lengths to scam people out of money.
A great example of this is the “Mime Moira Legendary Skin,” which is all the rage amongst players. The keyword is “rage,” as players aren’t happy about it at all. The reason for this is two-fold. First, the “legendary skin” isn’t that legendary regarding its looks. Moira’s base form was given a reskin, her face was slightly painted, and she was given a hat, and they called her a “mime.” Typically, that would fall under a different classification. In this case, that would usually be an “epic skin,” but not this time. Instead, it’s a “legendary skin,” and Blizzard charges $20 for it.
That has angered many, and one person on Reddit went into great detail to highlight how Blizzard “changed the rules” with how they define these skins:
As you can see, he was pretty thorough, and it highlights how Blizzard is making minimal changes and asking for maximum money. The other important detail here is that this brand of “reskinning” has already happened with the newest hero, Kiriko. She got a very similar deal, and it also cost $20. But then, Blizzard gave away a similar skin to that one for free to those who watched specific Twitch streams.
It’s all very inconsistent and paints a further picture of Blizzard trying to make as much money as possible while not putting too much effort into things.
You might recall a situation where a real-life item from Overwatch 2 cost less than the in-game item, and it was nothing more than an accessory! When you add that to the host of bugs and queue problems within the title, you can see why so many players are over the greed that Blizzard is showing. Sadly, it’s not likely to end anytime soon.
Source: Reddit