Pokemon is a staple video game franchise. It’s been around since the days of the original Game Boy but has continued to thrive since then. However, not every game has been the biggest hit. Even those titles that might not have been as thrilling as others, we haven’t seen a significant outcry of complaints from a Pokemon title compared to what we see with the latest releases. Fans are not happy over Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. Clearly, plenty of work needs to be put into these games, as the current state might not be worth diving into today.
However, it can be an uphill battle for those who want a refund, especially those who might have purchased the games digitally. Nintendo has a clear set of rules that officially indicates its process for returns and exchanges. One of the things that they will not accept a return or an exchange is digital items. These include digital games, DLC, subscriptions, or download codes. As a result, if you bought Pokemon Scarlet or Pokemon Violet from the digital eShop, you might have been out of luck.
With that said, it seems that some players are actually getting refunds. We’re not sure if these are just one-offs from different cases or if it’s actually because of how poor the performance was for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. Regardless, this information is based on a report by a Reddit user. The user posted on the Pokemon subreddit detailing how they managed to secure their refund.
Apparently, the user started a chat with a Nintendo customer support agent. From there, they explained that they had only played a couple of hours of the game and felt that the current performance state was not up to expectations. As a result, they would like a refund. After supplying the necessary information, the user received a refund and found the game deleted from their account. Again, we’re not sure if this is because of the game’s current performance or if it also depends on how much time the player spends with the game. I’d imagine it might be a harder sell if you logged too many hours into either of the game titles.
Then again, Nintendo clearly states that they don’t offer refunds for digital games, so even an accidental purchase wouldn’t likely get you a refund. For those who might want a refund, you can always attempt to reach out and speak with a customer support agent online. But it will seem like your mileage could vary here.