Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak had a digital presentation the other day, but over on Reddit, a different discussion was being had. Mainly, a datamine was discovered for the game, and despite being “old,” it seems to reference some of the future monsters that players will get to have in the title via future updates. Their validity is not yet confirmed, but Reddit was abuzz with a chat about them when they emerged. After all, part of the longevity of the games is being able to fight new monsters and test yourself against the mightiest beasts of the land.
So, what did the datamine reveal about Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak? According to the source, future monsters will include Amatsu, a Malzeno variant, Risen Shagaru Magala, Risen Valstrax, and a “Mystery Iceborne monster.”
It should be noted that none of these monsters were revealed in the recent presentation. There was Chaotic Gore Magala and Risen Kushala Daora, but none were directly from the leaked list. However, we know via the digital showcase that Capcom is already planning more additions to the game. So having more monsters like these show up is to be expected. We’ll have to wait and see if Capcom confirms these soon or will wait until the next free update looms and then make the announcement then.
The leak also noted that some candidates for future monsters include: Titzi Ya Ku, Beotodus, Banbaro, Namielle, Velkhana, and Shara Ishvaalda. Again, these are unconfirmed, but the source seemed confident in his information.
As for what we know is confirmed for the update coming later this month, there are new monsters like the ones we’ve already stated, but there are others within the update too. Then, unlike before, you can go on Master Rank and Anomaly Research Quests with your followers to help even the odds against the challenges presented. You’ll also be able to lower the difficulty of quests that you have available to you.
Be warned, some of the beasts you fight will require you to be at a high Master Rank if you wish to endure them. As you can guess, the rewards for slaying the beats will be valuable. There are also additions to the crafting systems through the free update that’ll allow you to fine-tune your crafting further to reach the levels of skills and stats you desire.
The free update will arrive on the 24th, and a new update will likely arrive soon in the new year.
Source: Reddit