Welp…there’s another problem with Overwatch 2. The game has been very popular since it launched but there has been many issues throughout its time since day one. It’s only a few weeks after the release and the lack of support players is getting taking a the queue times which already seemed a bit long before.
“This game isn’t for support,” argues a Blizzard fourm user, Darrington. “With an overemphasized focus on making damage players happy, and the curttailing the Tank role to become a bigger DPS, I think that A LOT was lost in the transition.”
Another person by the name of LegendZach expressed the same point in their own post about the deleters to Genji and Sombra, who are going to be nerfed relatively soon. “Support is unplayable. For the first time ever I left a match tonight. Every match is literally Genji and Sombra constantly and nothing I can do about it. This game wasn’t built for 5v5 and supports weren’t made for this. Until something is done I’m only playing DPS.”
With many people probably agreeing with LegendZach here, that’s even less DPS o the queues meaning longer waiting times before someone decides to want to play as a support.
TheMeltingPointOfWax, on Reddit said, “I enjoyed playing support in Overwatch 1 because I felt like I was actually SUPPORTING the team…but now every game feels like a fun-from-Genji simulator.”
Many other people have went on to give their own opinions on the topic of the supports and the supports…not doing much supporting anymore. Not to mention the problem taking out one of the Tanks also seemed to have created. Until later notice, we will keep hoping and praying that this lets up. Me persoanlly really hopes that Blizzard will send out a bigger update soon to adjust some of these problems and hopefully they will.
Overwatch 2 Halloween Event

The Halloween event is scheduled to begin during Season 1 in October and through November of this year. Access to Overwatch 2 will begin on October 4 but the Halloween event won’t start until October 25 and will go until November 8.
Not only will Overwatch 2 have a Halloween event but there will also be a new game mode a the same time. There are tons of things to look forward to during the month of October when it comes to Overwatch and all the new things players will be able to do. So far, we do know that the Halloween event will be similar to past events that Overwatch has hosted, besides some tweaks to maps and new holiday skins, like a new version of Junkenstein’s Revenge.
Overwatch will be closing down on October 2, Overwatch 2 will be going live and taking over the servers on October 4, and the Halloween event will start on October 25. Be sure to get some rest because Overwatch 2will be keeping us busy!