Don't be put off by the excerpt above; I don't mind the fact that People Can Fly, the developer behind Bulletstorm, may be working on a trilogy of Gears prequel games. Diehard fans may be disappointed that Epic isn't working on it themselves, but if the series can carry on it's probably worth waiting and seeing actually performance before judging too harshly.
This is according to the Official Xbox Magazine's rumour section, so it's a step-up from random post on 4chan but I'd still take it with a pinch of salt.
We all knew the series would continue, but it's still a slightly annoying string of events. "FINALLY, THE TRILOGY IS OVER, FIND OUT HOW IT ALL ENDS." "GEARS 0/4 WILL EXIST!" The same has happened with Halo and with Mass Effect, all the advertising has it as the last one and then the series continues rather quickly afterwards.
I'm sure I won't be popular for saying it, sometimes it's nice for something to just end before it "jumps the shark."