One of the classic ways that game developers try to lure gamers to their system when they buy a specific title is through pre-order bonuses. Sometimes you’ll get a physical item if you get the game through them, or sometimes you’ll get an in-game item you can use, which others won’t have access to. It’s cheap sometimes, but it’s all part of the game industry. For some titles, pre-ordering is about making sure you have some extra goodies right when you play the game. Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is an excellent example of that. It just announced its release date for PC, and then Sony went into detail about its pre-order bonuses.
So what do you get? You’ll get many items if you get the PC version. That includes the Gravity Well Gadget, which usually you’d have to unlock during the game’s story. Having it at the game’s start will help as you learn Miles’ moves in terms of combat. Speaking of Miles’ skills, you’ll get three skill points instantly that you’ll be able to put on the Skill Tree for the title. Thus, you are making Miles a bit tougher right out of the gate.
The big perk for some of you will be the two Spider-Man suits that Miles will have immediately. First, there’s the T.R.A.C.K. suit from the comics, and then, there’s the Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse suit from the beloved movie. That movie was the one that made Miles a more mainstream figure outside the comics, and his next film will arrive next year, which fans can’t wait to watch. So having that iconic suit in the game is excellent. Of course, fans already modded it into the original game, but this one is dev-team-approved.
If you look at these pre-order bonuses, you’ll notice that they’re “nothing too special,” and that’s true. But that’s not the point. These bonuses weren’t meant to be “groundbreaking,” and you can get all the items mentioned in the title without doing the pre-order. However, it does save you some time in trying to unlock everything. Also, for the combat, it’ll save you some stress regarding attempting to help Miles “bulk up” power-wise. Plus, it’s just fun having some of these right off the bat.
Regardless of whether you get the pre-order bonuses, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is set to be a worthy port of the original PS5 title. While shorter than the original game, the title held its own in portraying Miles Morales as a worthy Spider-Man. With Peter Parker out of New York City, it’s up to him to protect his neighborhood. That won’t be easy with the threats barreling down on him, though.
You’ll find out on November 18th the lengths Miles has to push himself to be worthy of the Spider-Man title.
Source: PlayStation Blog