One of the new things that Fire Emblem Engage is doing that fans are very interested in is the Emblem Rings. In the realm of Elyos, where the game takes place, the people of the lands summoned heroes called Emblems to help them fight and defeat the Fell Dragon that threatened to destroy them. In the reveal trailer for the game, we saw three characters in particular that would be summoned via the rings. One was Marth, the second was Sigurd, and the third was Celica. Now, a new gameplay clip has arrived for the game, showcasing the beloved mage in action.
True to her mage roots, if you put her ring on a character who is also a mage, such as with a particular princess character introduced recently, that character’s magical power will be boosted. You can see Celica being summoned and used in the combat clip below.
That boost lines up with a previous clip featuring Marth’s ring. If you equip him, he’ll give you a better ability to dodge enemy attacks. That shows that every Emblem character you get to summon with the rings will boost a different stat. We wouldn’t be surprised if the upcoming Sigurd clip shows the legendary horseman improving your base attack stat or speed.
Another clip was shown with Celica, featuring her talking to the main character. That will appeal to many Fire Emblem faithful as they want to interact with these legendary characters as much as possible. Plus, it’s implied that they have a deeper connection to the realm of Elyos and the royal family your main character is a part of. So it’ll be interesting to see the story behind them all in the game.
Continuing with the Emblems, we recently looked at the map of Elyos, which showcases the central lands you’ll get to visit in the game. But surrounding that map was other Emblems that you likely will get to summon. Fan favorite characters were in those murals, including Lyn, Roy, Corrin, Micaiah, Leif, and more that couldn’t be fully viewed. It could be that we’ll get a dozen or so Emblem Rings and that part of the plot for Fire Emblem Engage is to find all these rings so that you’ll have a better chance of defeating the Fell Dragon.
Another element of the game that fans are excited about is the improved visuals. The team at Gust is behind this title, alongside stalwart developer Intelligent Systems, and it shows via the characters’ animations in battle. Previous titles had basic animations for attacks, but in this game, they’re much more elaborate. There are also some small UI additions that make the preface to combat more exciting.
The game will release for Nintendo Switch on January 20, 2023.
Source: Twitter