Marvel’s Avengers just received another new update, let’s dive into what we got. Below are many list going over the updates and patches from the official Marvel’s Avengers website
Weekly Updates
- The Tachyon Anomaly limited-time event returns until 10/27! Earn powerful gear by completing event missions around the globe.
- Time to take flight! Iron Man players earn Triple XP until reset on 10/20.
- We have extended our Anniversary Login Bonus to 10/31! Players who log in before 10/31 will immediately receive a bundle of MCU-inspired Outfits! The bundle includes:
- Iron Man’s Outfit inspired by Marvel Studios’ ‘Iron Man 2’
- Thor’s Outfit inspired by Marvel Studios’ ‘Thor’
- Captain America’s Outfit inspired by Marvel Studios’ ‘The Avengers’
- One 7-Day Hero’s Catalyst
- One 7-Day Fragment Extractor
- Captain America’s ‘Secret Empire’ Outfit remains the Shipments Specialty Item until 11/3. This Specialty Item is guaranteed on your 100th claim!
- Update 2.6.1 went live this week with minor updates to our new Elite Villain Sector ‘No Rest for the Wicked’ and certain Outfits.
Patch Notes
- We fixed an issue where playing as multiple Jane Foster’s did not apply to objectives requiring duplicate Heroes in players’ parties, specifically in Tachyon Anomaly event missions. Duplicate Mighty Thor’s are now recognized by mission objectives require duplicate Heroes.
- We fixed a clipping issue occurring when players would crouch as Hawkeye while wearing his ‘Retro’ Outfit.
- Thor’s hair while wearing the Metalhead Outfit now turns invisible as intended when the player is affected by Black Widow’s “Veil of Shadows” ability.
- While wearing Hawkeye’s ‘Retro’ Outfit, the bow now shows the proper colors when using Emotes.
- Hulk’s skin no longer clips through his pants when wearing the ‘Marvel Studios’ Thor: Ragnarok’ Outfit and performing light attacks.
- Fixed an issue where Lethal Nimble Overdrive would remove Intrinsic Energy from Iron Man when the effect ends.
- The Red Room Takeover event now rewards 100 Update Modules, as intended.
- The ‘Temporal Assault’ Codex entry no longer unlocks alongside the entries for the Red Room Takeover and Rooskaya Protocols events, as intended.
- We fixed an issue preventing players from receiving bonus resources from Villain Sectors.
Now, let’s get into the most exciting part, the marketplace updates, which is bringing us a new Iron Man skin.

As stated on the website, this skin is inspired by the Tony Stark: Iron Man #13, Iron Man‘s Magic Modified comics. In these comics he wore this type of suit in order to battle a dragon, Sadurang. This skin is now available in the marketplace.
The Iron Man skin is the featured Hero in the marketplace for the week, until 10/13 you can enjoy these things below.
- 50% off non-MCU Outfits (excludes the new ‘Magic Modified’ Outfit)
- 50% off all Nameplates
- 50% of all Emotes
- 50% off all Takedowns
There are also sales on the Marketplace for Halloween…a Spooktacular Bundle! The bundle includes the following:
- Iron Man’s “Magic Modified”
- Captain America’s “Capwolf”
- Captain America’s “Gladiator”
- Ms. Marvel’s “Mystic Marvel”
But sure to hope on today to claim all the exciting things and enjoy the new patches.