To say that the latest trailer for The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom was important would be an understatement. Nintendo has been incredibly tight-lipped about this game ever since its first trailer at E3 2019. It didn’t even have its name back then. Fans then had to wait until this most recent Nintendo Direct to get answers about what was going on and when it would release. That later answer is May 12th, 2023, which is still a wait, but not as long as the wait gamers have already had to endure to get to this point.
As a result, fans are more desperate than ever to get even the smallest details about the game. Whether from dissecting the trailer that came out during the Direct or looking at a life-size statue that debuted in Japan via Nintendo Live. It’s true, a life-sized Link statue has come out at Nintendo Live, and people are in awe of the details on the piece. But if you look a bit closer and notice Link’s arm, you’ll see that something is definitely off with it.
Link’s arm has never been like that in the past. Thus making it all the more curious that it’s like that now. More than likely, this results from something that happens in the game and grants Link new abilities. The question now is, what caused this? What will he be able to do with that arm? What is the significance of that pose? We don’t know, but it’s intriguing nonetheless.
Looking at the details on the arm, it resembles the logo for The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom in parts. Perhaps that is the connection that will illuminate everything. In that same logo, we see that the Master Sword is broken and “filled in” by a green light, one that also looks like Link’s arm in the statue. We are speculating a little bit, but isn’t that part of the fun?
Another thing to note here is that Link had two different outfits in the trailers we’ve seen. The one in the statue calls back to his Breath of the Wild gear, but there’s another one that is more basic than the previous one. So is the arm something you only get later in the game? Or is there a reason that he has that second outfit later on?
These are just some of the questions that fans will be answering until May 12th comes. Some of the others include: Where is Zelda? Who is the villain of the story? How expansive is this world compared to the previous game? What other abilities will Link get on his journey?
We’ll have to wait until next year or the next trailer to find out.
Source: Twitter