Bayonetta 3 is nearly here, and fans are delighted after waiting eight long years. The title was first announced all the way back in 2017 at The Game Awards. Many gamers thought we would get the game on Nintendo Switch soon after that. Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be. Instead, delays plagued the title due to PlatinumGames, the team behind the franchise, wanting to ensure that the third entry was fresh and that it met their quality standards–something that not every game dev out there is willing to do. Thankfully, the game will release on October 28th, and Platinum is slowly peeling back the curtain on the process of making the title.
For example, this past Monday, they quietly dropped a new development chapter on their YouTube page. This video focused on the concept art and 3D models for two of the playable characters in the game: Bayonetta and Viola.
Both concept art sheets show the incredible detail in each part of the character and their outfits. Platinum has noted in the past that they love showing the style of Bayonetta, and they changed her look between each game because they felt that’s what she would do. She’s not a woman to be stagnant in her apparel–she always wants to change things up, so no doubt you’ll notice tiny little details as you watch the video. Plus, you can see all the notes on the sheets emphasizing how every detail mattered to the team.
Viola’s character sheet is a little different but no less fun to analyze. You can see the style change between the witch-in-training and Bayonetta–Viola’s outfit has plenty of details, but her overall style is more simplistic. She’s a rocker-style lady with plaid pants. It’s a totally different vibe. However, you can see teases for how she will play in the game, including multiple references to the demon she can summon in Cheshire.
As for the 3D models, you can see how crisp and detailed they are once they’re brought to life and spun around in the video. You see how all the details from the concept art make each model lifelike and full of personality.
That’s something that fans want from Bayonetta 3 because they’ve been waiting a long time and want this title to ooze personality as the previous two games did. Thankfully, all indications are that PlatinumGames will deliver on this.
In a recent gameplay breakdown video, we saw how Bayonetta and Viola play compared to one another. It’s almost like night and day, which is intriguing to many old-school players. Plus, multiple new combat mechanics will crank up the intensity in battle and keep things fresh. However, we won’t know how it fully works until the game comes out on Nintendo Switch on October 28th.
Source: YouTube