It’s quickly approaching two entire years since the current-gen consoles arrived on the scene. Both the Xbox Series X/S and the PlayStation 5 have settled in nicely, and if you’ve managed to get your hands on one, they’ve provided some great experiences so far. Outside of exclusive games, however, there are a few key differences between what each platform offers. One of the biggest advantages of owning an Xbox Series X/S is quick resume. This feature lets players suspend multiple games at the same time and then jump back into any of them and continue right where they left off, even if the console had been turned off beforehand. However, quick resume can sometimes cause issues with games and Microsoft has taken notice.
It typically takes just a few seconds to load back into a quick resumed game, but not every game on the Xbox platform supports the useful feature. It can sometimes cause bugs or crashes with specific games. To make matters worse, games that require persistent online connections, such as Fortnite or Apex Legends, can sometimes have issues when the feature is used.
When players try to quick resume an online game such as these, they may have to quit and restart the game in order to get it functioning once more. Some Xbox users have spoken out about this, and one of them received a response from the head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, himself.
Twitter user GabeTC99 said: “I still don’t understand how it’s not a feature you can disable, it’s amazing for a lot of games but when it tries to quick resume an online-only game it absolutely breaks it and you have to manually quit. If only an option to disable it for such games existed!”
In a short and simple response, Spencer replied to say: “Good feature ask, makes sense. We will put it on the list of things to look at.”
This isn’t the first time that quick resume has been an issue for Xbox. Halo Infinite, arguably the flagship title for the latest generation of Xbox consoles, had issues with quick resume as well. Players who tried to quick resume the game could find that they had lost connection to the internet and that their unlocked cosmetics had disappeared. As a result, developer 343 Industries had to go on record to warn fans not to use the feature until they had found a fix for it.
It’s a shame that a feature as useful as quick resume cannot work perfectly across all games on current Xbox hardware, but if Microsoft eventually implements an option to let players toggle the feature then this could resolve a lot of potential headaches for Xbox gamers.