The video game world has seen some very weird things happen over the course of its life. Not the least of which is games getting announced at a big event, and then not coming out for years and years and years due to a number of different factors. Developmental delays, studio swaps, complete rebuilds of titles–we’ve very much seen them all and lamented every single one. But with Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp, it’s honestly a bit of a different story, because if you recall, Nintendo delayed this game from its April 2022 release date not because the game wasn’t ready, but because of world events.
In this case, we’re talking about how the game was set to launch just weeks after the start of the war in Ukraine, a conflict that is still going on right now and one that no one can predict. This delay by Nintendo was in their eyes a necessary one due to how“insensitive it likely would feel to launch a war title, no matter how cartoonish it looked, in a time when people were literally being killed in the war. It was a moment of tact that was met with praise by some, and was dismissed by others. But that’s not the point here.
The point is that the game was supposed to be out right now, and obviously, it’s not. In fact, the release date for Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp has not been brought up since that delay, and it has left many wondering when, or if, the game will come out. There were hopes that at the new Nintendo Direct that aired today there would be an answer to the lingering question of a release date. But the game was nowhere to be found, nor even mentioned in passing.
However, someone asked Nintendo afterward if the game had been canceled due to Nintendo still not talking about it, to which they apparently replied.
“The release has been delayed. We will announce the new date once it has been determined.”
That means that the game still is coming, but it’s not known when exactly it’ll arrive just yet. To the extent that very likely, barring the war suddenly ending, it’ll be pushed back into 2023 when hopefully the conflict is long over.
There honestly is a desire for this game to come out, not the least of which is that the Advance Wars saga is one of the most respected amongst the Nintendo IP. It’s had a great run on handheld systems over the years, and the new title was going to completely remake the new game with added features, online play, and more to make it even grander. We’ll just have to wait for it to arrive.
Source: Twitter