The Last Case of Benedict Fox is one of those games that just have all of our favorite things combined: secret societies, forbidden rituals, alternate realities, and cold-blooded murder. That’s all we needed to be hooked! During the Gamescom Future Games Show live stream today, we were given a longer look at the gameplay with helpful commentary. You can see that presentation below!
This upcoming Lovecraftian Metroidvania game stars Benedict Fox, a detective who may or may not be official in that capacity, and the demon companion bound to him. Though he may not be an official detective, Benedict and his demon have a leg up on the murder mystery scene because they can visit the memories of the deceased and move through an alternate reality called Limbo. For this game, Benedict and his demon enter an enormous Gothic mansion and must try to solve the murders that occurred inside. Of course, when you involve demons and move through memories, it isn’t always a walk in the park.
In the presentation, we were informed that the choice was made to create The Last Case of Benedict Fox as a Metroidvania game in order to easily reveal the clues to the mystery piece by piece as players move deeper into the game. By controlling what parts of the mansion we see with each step, we can pick up tools and memories in a compelling order as well.
Having a Lovecraftian platformer is also visually interesting. Benedict will move through a classic Gothic mansion, hopping from chandelier to chandelier with storms billowing outside the large windows in one memorable scene. There are large roots growing through a dilapidated mansion and twisted lampposts to guide you. It’s Gothic with a warped, demonic twist that is just visually pleasing. The memories, when unlocked, look like a portal to walk through and gives us lovely juxtaposed images of a normal world and a hellish Limbo full of monsters.
Speaking of monsters, they will actively be in your way while you try to piece together your clues from both worlds. With the help of your demon companion and some fancy tattooing, you can acquire new skills that will allow you to fight them more easily. Or you can go old school and just stab or shoot them. Visiting a shop run by Harry Houdini will also help you gather knew items for defense.
The Last Case of Benedict Fox is coming your way in Spring 2023! You can get it on day one with Xbox Games Pass, and it will be available to play on PC and Xbox Series X|S. Head over to Steam now to add it to your wishlist. In the meantime, here are some of the best Metroidvania games out there.