One of the things that many Nintendo Switch fans love to is look over the financial data for each quarter when it comes out to see what the sales data is for the individual titles that have come out both past and recently. Mainly because the Switch is honestly rather legendary for having just about every single 1st party and major 3rd party release get a million units sold. And for Q1 2023, the Switch had several major releases, not the least of which was Nintendo Switch Sports, the sequel to Wii Sports.
As noted on the financial data PDF that was released, Nintendo Switch Sports has sold 4.84 million units since its release in April to the end of June. That’s an incredible amount, and shows how even casual titles like this can be big sellers on the Switch. And considering how much people weren’t sure about this game when it was first announced, it’s good to know that many at the very least gave it a try.
Which then brings us to Mario Strikers Battle League, one of two major releases in June for the Switch (the other was 3rd party so we don’t have data on that yet!) and it apparently sold nearly 2 million units in less than a month! Considering it’s been over a decade since the last title in this line, that’s really good.
Another thing that was very cool to find out about was Kirby and the Forgotten Land. We already knew that this title had done well upon its launch in March, but when you extend it out to June, the game has sold over 4 million units, the fastest Kirby game to do that.
So when you put these together with all the big games that are coming out still in 2022 for Switch, you get a really big year for Nintendo.
Source: Nintendo