The general consensus is that rewards in Destiny's Crucible mode are crap, and Bungie is aware of this.
Last week, Bungie launched the Iron Banner event for the Crucible, which introduced a special set of rewards to players who participated in the mode. In the mode, participating Guardians have their equipment taken into account when dealing and receiving damage.
In any case, rewards were underwhelming, with players receiving only the items that were available on sale at Lord Saladin. Apparently, this wasn't intentional.
“Last week, it was clear to us that you were frustrated by the Iron Banner reward drops, and rightly so,” design lead Lars Bakken writes in this week's Bungie Weekly Update.
“It turns out that, when we started digging into the issue, we uncovered a nasty bug that affected how Legendary drops happen throughout the Crucible, including Iron Banner.”
Bakken states that the studio is going to resolve the problem before the next Iron Banner takes place next month, but will also do something about the Crucible in general so that players feel rewarded for participating in the experience.
To that end, they'll also be reviewing the bounties you perform for the Crucible. Specifically, they'll be addressing ones that are too hard to complete, demand too much carnage at once, or put too much requirement on other players.
"Our goal is that most Daily Crucible Bounties can be knocked out within a handful of matches," says senior designer Andrew Weldon. "Weekly Bounties and larger scoped event Bounties should require some more commitment and – in some cases – a little extra muscle to accomplish. As with the rest of the game, we’ll be keeping an eye on data as well as your feedback to identify fixes and areas where we can continue to improve and expand our Bounty offerings both in this update and into the future."
They'll also rework the entire Crucible Forged questline, which they admit is too long and unrewarding. At present, the questline encourages players to quit mid-game when they aren't making progress.
The changes are expected to be implemented before Thanksgiving.