Polish developer CD Projekt recently announced The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings for the PC with console version planned for the future. The game is expected to release in Q1 2011.
CD Projekt’s Alek Pakulski mentioned the game in an interview where he said,
Yes, it’s true. We’re trying to make the game for this time. The engine is multiplatform, but any announcements will come in the future.
On whether the console versions will be released after the PC game, Pakulski added,
I can’t say right now, but please stay tuned for information coming in the near future.” Various engine details are being announced soon.
Gamespot had the opportunity to demo the game which has revealed that, The Witcher 2 takes place after the events of the first game, in which Geralt accepted the task of working for King Foltest of Temeria to investigate a curse that befell the king’s daughter. But in The Witcher 2, Geralt won’t be chasing something as subtle as a magical curse. This time around, he’ll clash swords with two new villains: the first, a hateful elf spy named Iorveth, and the second, a mysterious man known only as the Kingslayer. As you might have already guessed, given The Witcher 2’s subtitle, this Kingslayer has already begun to ply his trade–though as the mysterious assassin himself claims, his bloody work is far from over. And while the world-weary Geralt has no great love of royalty, he eventually becomes embroiled in this assassination conspiracy, since it crosses tracks with several new monster hunts–which are his calling as a witcher–and since the assassin appears to know Geralt of old.