With the new High Isle chapter for The Elder Scrolls Online coming very soon, Zenimax Online has shared some new information about one of the expansion’s upcoming PvE challenges. The new 12-player trial is known as Dreadsail Reef, and it’s every bit as pirate-themed as it sounds.
The latest developer blog shares a bit more information on the swashbuckling adventure that lies ahead in High Isle. Players will find themselves having to sail out to the fearsome Dreadsail Reef to take on a party of pirate raiders and their frankly terrifying-looking leader, Queen Taleria.
Elder Scrolls Online’s Encounters Lead Mike Finnigan gives a bit more background information into the premise of the trial, explaining that “Dreadsail Reef is the island home of the Dreadsail pirates and their cunning Fleet Queen Taleria,” clarifying that these particular pirates are a band of Maormer, who’ve been plundering, pillaging and generally terrorising the people of High Isle and Tamriel for some time.
The PvE trial, which has a strong focus on group coordination and encounter-specific mechanics, will see players team up with High Isle’s Admiral Galvendier to take on the pirates and put a stop to their raiding for good. It’s a nautical challenge with interesting rewards for those who complete the trial successfully.
The encounter includes a number of boss battles in addition to the general pirate combat and will reward successful adventurers with a number of swashbuckling-themed rewards and loot. The bosses in Dreadsail Reef may also drop four different item sets that are specific to the Trial and that grant special bonuses to your party when equipped.
The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle is due to launch on PC and Stadia (in limited territories) on June 6th. It will launch on Xbox Series S/X, Xbox One, PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on June 21st.