The always popular mobile game Pokemon Go is celebrating the environment with some fun new challenges available until April 25. The Normal/Psychic Pokemon Oranguru, introduced in Generation VII, will be making its debut during the event, while those venturing out into the world will be able to snag some nice bonuses over the next few days.
The current Collection Challenge will task players will catching Cherubi, Gloom, Grimer, Trubbish, Weepinbell, and Grotle. The Generation I Pokemon Gloom and Weepinbell will only appear by dropping a Mossy Lure Module, one of which is contained in this week’s free Event Box.
Players will also have the chance to find shiny versions of Chikorita, Alolan Diglett, Nincada, and Venusaur. Incubating 7km eggs could also net you an Alolan Diglett, Larvitar, Cherubi, and Oranguru.
Here is a full list of this week’s Field Research tasks and rewards:
- Catch five Grass-types: earn a Chespin, Snivy, or Turtwig encounter
- Walk 1km: earn a Cherubi encounter
- Walk 3km: earn a Phantump encounter
- Power up Pokemon five times: earn 50 Mega energy for either Abomasnow or Venusaur
- Catch three Grimer: earn a Trubbish encounter
- Catch three Trubbish: ear one Silver Pinap
Players will earn 2x bonus XP the first time they spin a PokeStop during the event, and walking 1km will earn trainers an encounter with a Cherubi. Walking 5km during Community Day on April 23 will actually help the environment–Niantic has pledged to plant up to 100,000 trees as a part of Sustainability Week.
The game’s Community Day will see the Alolan species Stufful in the limelight, marking the first time the Normal/Fighting Pokemon has appeared in the mobile title.
Pokemon Go was initially launched for mobile devices in 2016. The game surpassed a billion global downloads by early 2019 and grossed more than $6 billion in revenue by 2020. The company behind the game, Niantic, recently announced their next game Peridot, an AR virtual pet title.