“We consume content – and it consumes us.” Eerily powerful words that should strike a chord in us. This is Book of the Dead.
Book of the Dead is Silverstring Media’s new project, after last year’s critically-acclaimed Glitchhikers. The Book is to be delivered in three parts, all tackling a dead and forgotten social network. It’s about our relationship with content that is shared and consumed, triggers conflicts, yet ultimately dies. How could something so fleeting be given so much power?
Part 1 – The Viral Dusty Dead Identity Quiz is scheduled for release this coming August 4th. It should play out like many of those popular quizzes we find on social media, where players must answer questions in order to find out “Which Character Are You?” At the end, the answer is shared, potentially becoming viral within your circle of “close friends.” Viral Dusty Dead Identity Quiz is meant to introduce players to the franchise, meanwhile not taking itself too seriously.
Now, Book of the Dead did not just appear out of thin air. It is an exploration of the double-edged sword that is social media, and touches a bit on the personal side for the developers; they saw social media at its most merciless, driving their friends out of the industry and even their own homes. All of this is reflected in some way in Book of the Dead.
Find out more about the Book of the Dead project on their website. Part 1 – Viral Dusty Dead Identity Quiz comes out on August 4.