Simon Philips, the new CEO of 22cans, has outlined his future plans for Godus.
Philips was taken on by Peter Molyneux to take his place in this capacity around February, when the spotlight went on the company for failing to deliver promised features with the PC sim, including Curiosity winner Bryan Henderson.
Philips is not one to mince worse, stating that the company ‘fucked up’ in making the game, and asking Molyneux flat out why it happened. Philips also recounts how despondent the studio became that month, telling Molyneux he had to take all management work and Molyneux had to stick to game development.
Based on his own analysis of where the game and the developer is, Philips still wants to work on the game, but there will be much culling of promises. He’s made it clear God of Gods, the feature that would have rewarded Bryan Henderson with a cut of the game’s profits, has no timeframe, because he has no idea if it will be possible.
This seems to be true of all the features promised for the game, but at least Philips seems interested in at least bringing combat in and leaving Early Access. Overall, he promises 22cans will be more transparent about coming updates, and will work more towards making each update meaningful, with features that meet or exceed expectations.
Philips also wants to be clear that in spite of the game’s ill reputation today, it’s actually making money. This money comes more from mobile. 22cans itself is neither cash rich or going out of business. The company is doing well enough that they are able to pay employees regularly. As long as this is going, hope springs for Godus.