Grand Ages: Medieval, the second installment in the Grand Ages strategy series, will be having a retail release on PC and PlayStation 4 on September 29 and a Steam release on September 25, publisher Kalypso Media announced today.
The game takes place during the High Middle Ages, starting in the year 1050 A.D. Players are tasked with building an empire and expanding its influence across Scandinavia, North Africa, the Caucasus, and the Middle East through politics, trade, warfare, and research advancing technologies.
It will also include an eight-player multiplayer mode for competitive strategy matches. Commands and protocols can be set to auto-dictate your actions should you need to take a break from the match. This will be especially helpful if you are playing with friends in different time zones and cannot coordinate a live play session.
To accompany the announcement, Kalypso Media has created an video explaining an overview of everything a new player might want to know about Grand Ages: Medieval, which you can view below:
This will not be developer Gaming Minds Studios’ first time working on a PlayStation platform, having developed strategy games that go as far back as the PlayStation 2 era. The PlayStation 4 version of Grand Ages: Medieval will support a 1080p resolution.
Grand Ages: Medieval will also be playable at Gamescom 2015 this August in Cologne, Germany for those attending the expo.