Square-Enix may not yet be remaking Final Fantasy VII, but it's doing the next best thing with its announcement at TGS that it's currently remaking Final Fantasy X. According to its announcement, Final Fantasy X is being redone in high definition exclusively for Sony on both the PlayStation 3 and the PlayStation Vita.
We'll soon be able to revisit the experience with Yuna's and Tidus's classic laugh scene (Yes, I'm being sarcastic) and make jokes about riding ze shoopuf. The game may not be what fans of the series were asking for, but it's not much of a surprise considering how much less work remaking it will require. A few textures here, some new shaders, and a few tweaks is all it would take to bring the PS2 title up to the current generation.
With any luck, we might be looking at a re-release of Final Fantasy XII on the PS3. Would't that be stellar?