Former Dead or Alive head developer Tomonobu Itagaki came up on Facebook to explain to his fans his original plans for Dead or Alive 5, and why he decided to stop making it.
He goes back a decade ago. Dead or Alive 4 is released as an Xbox 360 exclusive. This is also the last Dead or Alive Itagaki gets to work on. In Dead or Alive 4 's plot, Hayate takes over leadership of the Mugen Tenshin clan, and plots to end DOATEC. However, in a surprise twist, Helena is revealed to be co-chairman of the company. She resumes ownership of DOATEC Asia, and with the help of the Mugen Tenshin, succesfully ousts series villain Victor Donovan, to destroy his half of the company, DOATEC USA.
Itagaki was convinced to make a new game by the fans, and outlined what would be the teaser. Kasumi and Ayane meet in a snowstorm. Kasumi initially misunderstands Ayane, shouting to her that everything has ended. However, Ayane tells her sister 'Our enemy is still breathing,' and she loses strength. As she passes out, she tells Kasumi that she has killed Miyako.
Miyako is a curious side character in the game. She is the mother of Kokoro, one of the newer fighters. Miyako had Kokoro by Fame Douglas, Helena's father, making Helena and Kokoro half sisters.
Miyako is an untrustworthy character in the series, as she seems to be working for Victor. Killing Miyako would potentially mean Kokoro would turn on the Mugen Tenshin clan, and also setup more fighting with DOATEC.
Ultimately, however, Itagaki says that he cancelled the game because it was 'impossible to work with a liar.' Itagaki doesn't name names or elaborate further. However, it seems he is alluding to former Tecmo Koei head Yoshimi Yasuda. Yasuda, now president of Kadokawa Games, was sued by Itagaki for damages for 'unreasonable and disingenuous statements' Yasuda made in front of Itagaki's colleagues. This was part of the same lawsuit Itagaki served Tecmo for withholding previously owned bonuses.
Itagaki ocassionally opens up on the Dead Or Alive 5 in active development on his Facebook page (for example; he also feels the costume DLC is excessive), but this is the first in a long time that he has opened up on his frustrations with abandoning the game.
Gamers have differing opinions on the quality of the Dead or Alive franchise (I'm a lifetime fan), but this also sheds some light on the nature of game development in Japan. Itagaki now heads Valhalla Studios, and is set to publish Devil's Third exclusively on the Wii U.
What do you think of Itagaki's version of Dead or Alive 5? Would you have preferred this version to what we received today? Would you have preferred that Tecmo settled amicably with Itagaki, or that they were still working? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.