Former Battlefield developers David Goldfarb and Benjamin Cousins have announced the creation of a brand new studio today called The Outsiders. They are working on a role-playing game for the PC—my favorite genre!
Goldfarb and Cousins both served in senior capacities while at EA DICE, working on multiple titles for the company. Goldfarb later served as the director of PayDay 2 while at Overkill, and Cousins served as a game consultant for awhile.
"I'm starting a new studio. It's called The Outsiders," stated Goldfarb on Twitter today. "My old friend and colleague @BenjaminCousins is co-founding it with me."
The company has a barebones website at the moment, and an interview with David Goldfarb went up on Eurogamer about his upcoming RPG.
"I've loved RPGs all my life and have been shoehorning elements of them into games I've made over the years with lesser or more success," he said. "I'm interested in systemic story stuff. I know Ken [Levine] has recently been talking about this. I have another way I want to try and do it. But I think it won't be a game of cut scenes."
There’s also an interview Gamesindustry, where he talked about being burned out by big budget game development.