What do you think are the chances of Kingdom Hearts X Heartless appearing in Kingdom Hearts 3? We have a new video from user TheGamersJoint that goes through this possibility.
So, aside from Heartless that have appeared in the main games, there are Heartless in Kingdom Hearts X that have only appeared in the game. To add to this, Kingdom Hearts X continues to be in development, and so they can still introduce more Heartless in the future.
Furthermore, Square Enix has confirmed that they will continue development of Kingdom Hearts X alongside Kingdom Hearts 3. Considering Kingdom Hearts 3 itself will have connections to Kingdom Hearts X and that it makes Kingdom Hearts X canon, what this all means is that Kingdom Hearts X Heartless have a strong chance of making it to Kingdom Hearts 3. This also includes Heartless that come out in Kingdom Hearts X after Kingdom Hearts 3 releases. Square Enix can always use these Heartless in future DLC for the game.
However, just because Square Enix can do it does not necessarily mean they will. Would you like Kingdom Hearts X Heartless to appear in Kingdom Hearts 3? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.