Blizzard wants to address fans’ most pressing questions regarding Diablo 3, and to do so in a way that will engage the community. With this in mind, they will be holding a Legendary Workshop Livestream on Twitch, at December 9, 11 AM PST.
The first Legendary Workshop, held at Blizzcon, was an opportunity for Blizzard to explain to fans how they came up with Legendary powers. Some fans even had the chance to design some new powers themselves.
Returning from that original workshop are lead technical artist Julian Love and associate game designer John Yan. Joining them is community manager Brandy ‘Nevalistis’ Camel.
The stream isn’t as hands on, so they won’t be able to let fans design powers this time, but they do promise to take follow up questions from that original event. Julian and John will also get into more detail on how they picked a Legendary power from the community, how they know when a power is viable or not, and what Blizzard is going to try to bring in in the future.
Make sure to follow Blizzard’s official Diablo Twitch channel, or bookmark this page to watch when the stream goes live.