The arcade-style skateboarding game OlliOlli is currently tearing up the pavement on PCs and the entire PlayStation family. There's even a sequel coming to PS4 and PS Vita next year. Where does that leave everyone else? OlliOlli-less, that's what!
But not for much longer! Curve Digital, which recently released Stealth Inc. 2 on Wii U, is working with original OlliOlli developer Roll7 to port the game to Wii U, 3DS, and Xbox One sometime in early 2015. Hopefully it arrives well before OlliOlli 2, that way we'll have a chance of getting the sequel on all platforms, instead of watching PlayStation owners play the latest and greatest while the rest get yesterday's leftovers.
In all honesty, this is great news. We'll keep you posted on any further developments.