This is a guide for the trophies and achievements for Far Cry 4.
There are a total of 50 trophies and achievements, with an accumulated 1000 points. Some are mundane trophies and achievements, gained during the course of the game, and some contain spoilers for upcoming content. For the benefit of fans who do not want spoilers, this information will not be included in the guide.
This guide is focused on the kinds of trophies and achievements that require you accomplish a specific in-game task or objective by following a series of actions. Our source recommends the most efficient way to get these trophies and achievements, showing the best location, sharing tips, etc.
You can follow our source, PowerPyx, on YouTube here. The guide will be updated as our source meets more achievements and makes more videos for them, so save this page and check back.
Far Cry 4 will be released on November 18 on Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.