Nintendo is quite protective of their IPs as we’ve seen the company go on the hunt to remove fan games and any other projects that might have their IP likeness. Still, there are plenty of fans out there that have been waiting for Nintendo to make some kind of a move towards their favorite IPs. We can’t tell you how many times the question of Mother 3 has come up to Nintendo for an official worldwide release. However, another IP that has continued to find fans’ support and patience is F-Zero.
F-Zero is an iconic futuristic racer that had several installments released. With some incredible soundtracks, fast-paced gameplay, and even an iconic protagonist attached, it’s surprising to see the last installment come out back in 2004 for the Game Boy Advance. For one development studio, it was an IP that they wanted to bring back out to the masses, but this time with incredibly realistic graphics. Normally, the previous installments would have more cartoonish animated visuals, but that wasn’t the look Giles Goddard from Vitei had in mind.
Giles Goddard had pitched an ultra-realistic F-Zero game to Nintendo. As a result, they made up a demo for the Nintendo Switch and the PC platform so that the engine could show just what the studio was able to do for something like F-Zero. Unfortunately, while the developers had worked hard to bring out some great AI and vehicles racing around a track, Nintendo decided to pass on their pitch.
According to Giles, the Nintendo company is quite protective over their classic IPs, and to get something out into the market, Nintendo would need to see something new added to the gameplay. Still, it did look like the Nintendo was interested in some kind of an F-Zero game, but nothing could line up. Perhaps this might be an IP Nintendo is interest in bringing back out rather than being adapted for level designs for the likes of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe or character used for Super Smash Bros but only time will tell.
Source: Nintendo Everything, GameXplain