The horror game demo known as PT at this year's Gamescom has been revealed as Silent Hills, a revival of the series that is generating a lot of excitement for its involvement of Hideo Kojima, Guillermo Del Toro, and Norman Reedus. And now that the cat's out of the bag you can check out the demo for yourself in the video below.
If you are weak of heart, under the age of 18, or just plain do not like horror, you probably don't want to watch this footage. It could very well be the most terrifying video you have seen. I will say one interesting thing about it; it is very reminiscent of Gone Home. It uses a lot of similar tropes, allowing you to explore the inner workings of a room while background noises, such as a playing radio, provide some exposition. Don’t be fooled though, this game is nothing like Gone Home. Things get weird, unexplained video glitches start popping up, and you start to hear strange noises, and the worst part of it is, the demo is going to bring you straight to it.
As you can see, it will overall take you less than twenty minutes to finish the PT demo if you know where you’re going. If you don’t mind the spoiler, take a look:
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