The next Battlefield game’s subtitle might be 2042, a new rumor alleges. Teases of the new game have been trickling out on Twitter ahead of the official reveal on June 9. Electronic Arts has been teasing new information on Twitter, and, apparently, in Battlefield V as well. Curiously enough, Xbox also seems to be in on whatever EA’s publicity stunt is.
Take the title with a grain of salt — it comes mostly from leaks and rumors about the game on Reddit. But “2042” would be an appropriate title, given that it’s midway between existing titles Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield 2142, and would fit the near-future setting that we’ve seen in previous leaks. Other details in the leak include that it’ll have an open alpha or beta test starting from the reveal event on June 9, not from the July EA play event, as was originally thought.
Various users also report seeing a garbled video similar to EA’s Twitter teases of the new Battlefield when starting up Battlefield V. Others have spotted that the Battlefield V store page is similarly showing strange text. The Battlefield Twitter today tweeted another garbled video, along with a link to the reveal livestream and the words “Loading 10%.” Interestingly, the Xbox Twitter also tweeted a similar video, but with the additional words “Attempting to establish connection” and “Loading 10%…loading 20%…”
That might not necessarily mean EA and Xbox are in cahoots or anything like that — it could just be that the Xbox social media team is in on the marketing event more so than the PlayStation team, which has not tweeted anything similar. If nothing else, we’ll find out what the big deal is on June 9. Whatever the next Battlefield is, it’ll have to live up to the hype created by all these leaks.
Source: Reddit