NBA 2K14, an otherwise great game, is an almost unplayable mess online for many players due to its server issues, which have been widely reported by the community.
Needless to say, players and fans of NBA 2K14 are requesting that the game’s publisher 2K Games listen to their complaints about the game’s server issues, which are affecting the game to the point where it is unenjoyable. One user, bleeatch21 wrote on reddit:

“I just got kicked from two games in the 3rd seed but received no loss or win. I decided to give it one more shot and on the third game I get kicked with the message my opponent left the match. When I got to the menu it gave me 3 losses in a row out of now where!
I had 5 games left and only needed 2 wins to advance, now I need to win the next two or I have to restart. These servers are so atrocious it's unbelievable. Were 2k13 servers this bad??? Overall this is by far the most frustrating video game experience of my life and I regardless of how much I love basketball I won't be buying 2K15. I get way to much frustration out of this game.”
Another user, Shake4ndBake, made the following video, in which he suggests that the publisher clean up their act and implement dedicated servers in NBA 2K15.
So 2K, if you’re listening, the community is speaking and they want an official response.