Gaming website PSN Profiles leaked the trophy list for Ubisoft's upcoming game Watch Dogs and we found out a handful of interesting information before the game comes out.
Some of the interesting trophies give us a glimpse of what's in store for the game. For example, the trophy called "Disk Space Full" teases that we can unlock songs in the game. It's no surprise considering open world games have soundtracks from the radio stations available in-game. The "Social Lubricant" trophy reveals that there will be a drinking game and three opponents available. The rest of the trophies are story related and are vague so far. Check the rest out on the link provided.
Today, we posted on the gameplay leaks that's allegedly on the PS4. The PC ultra settings were also revealed a few days ago.
Watch Dogs will be released on May 27th for Microsoft Windows, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Wii U.