We’re fresh into the new generation of video game console platforms. Both Microsoft and Sony brought out their latest generation of console platforms and while there are differences between the two, it would seem that the biggest potential to win this generation is the actual line of exclusives. The last generation of consoles Sony came out with a ton of great video game titles and it looks like Microsoft is trying to make a big difference this time around.
Microsoft is a big company and while they have the Xbox Series X/S platforms available, it would look like their biggest push right now is video game software. In particular, the company has delivered a rather solid subscription service with Xbox Game Pass. All of the first-party exclusives from Microsoft would be featured on the service along with a slew of third-party studio titles. It’s a great deal for those that have an Xbox console or a gaming PC capable of running these games.
One of the big adjustments Microsoft seems to be working on is the line of first-party studios. There have been a few acquisitions that happened within the past year. However, what made the biggest surprise announcement was when Microsoft revealed that they had purchased ZeniMax Media, which comes with several iconic video game development studios. One of which is Bethesda who is known for Fallout and The Elder Scrolls franchises.
Now a new rumor started to circulate online that Microsoft was in talks of purchasing Techland, the development team behind Dying Light. That rumor in particular is not true as the community manager for the studio took to Twitter and revealed that there are no changes. Techland is still an independent studio for the time being. While we may not see Techland become another studio for Microsoft exclusively, it does look like they are still developing their next big title release Dying Light 2 which is set to launch on the Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, along with the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC platforms.