The Resident Evil franchise is a long-running and beloved survival horror series. It’s been around since the early years of the original PlayStation console. Since then we’ve been going through new mainline installments along with countless spin-off titles. Furthermore, Capcom has even decided to bring out remakes for earlier games such as Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3. Now the focus is on the next mainline installment, Resident Evil Village.
We’ve been waiting for more information to come out for Resident Evil Village for a good little while now. Capcom has been developing this game in which players are thrown back into Resident Evil 7’s protagonist, Ethan. Without spoiling anything regarding the last mainline installment release, we know that Resident Evil Village takes place a few years after the events of Resident Evil 7. Ethan’s world is shattered again and it’s leaving him to venture off into a remote village in hopes of tracking down Chris Redfield.
This is another first-person perspective video game where the village is said to be open-world. Players will be able to explore the area, fight off a slew of new enemy types while solving countless puzzles along the way. While we knew this game was coming out for the PC, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5 consoles, Capcom only mentioned the potential to see this game hit last-generation consoles as well. Now thanks to the recent stream event, we know that Resident Evil Village will come out on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 platforms as well.
There’s no word as to what differences there may be with Resident Evil Village on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms, but chances are we’ll see some downgrades in performance and visuals. Currently, Resident Evil Village is set to release on May 7, 2021, for the PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PlayStation 5 platforms.
Source: Comicbook