The Super Robo Taisen OG series is set in a unique universe with characters and mecha created by Banpresto specifically for the SRT franchise. This is in contrast to the Super Robo Taisen Alpha and Z series (among others) which make use of licensed characters and mecha from popular manga and anime series like Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Evangelion, Macross, and many many others.
The 2nd Super Robo Taisen OG will be released in Japan on September 29th and cost around 7,300 yen ($90), although there's a ridiculously priced "grand limited edition" that includes the entire box set of the Super Robo Taisen OG: The Inspector anime series on Blu-ray. That one will cost you 41,790 yen – about $518. That's five hundred and eighteen dollars.
via Siliconera