Rainbow Six Quarantine is an upcoming installment to the Tom Clancy franchise that will play different compared to past installments. Players will be fighting off an unknown alien parasite that has turned humans into creatures. This is a cooperative gameplay experience, likely similar to the Rainbow Six Siege video game installment. While we only received a small teaser for the game so far, there is plenty of hype building up for the title.
We’re sure there will be some significant differences to this game compared to Rainbow Six Siege, but there are likely some comparisons being made with the upcoming Quarantine and the already released Siege title. For instance, some comparisons are being made to Rainbow Six Siege’s timed Operation Chimera game mode which may give a good look towards the inspiration behind the upcoming Quarantine installment. Unfortunately, we’re waiting for more information to release for the game.
With that said, it was discovered through the Ubisoft Connect page that Rainbow Six Quarantine was set to launch on March 21, 2021. That kicked up quite a bit of surprise and anticipation with fans online, but that’s unfortunately false information. After the date was discovered listed through the Ubisoft Connect page, IGN was able to reach out and get a statement from Ubisoft. According to the spokesperson, the date was uploaded by an unknown error.
Unfortunately, it looks like we are going to be waiting a bit longer for the game to launch into the marketplace. After all, both Rainbow Six Quarantine and Far Cry 6 were delayed already last year. In the meantime, if you haven’t already checked out the teaser trailer that was released to announce the game then you can do so in the video embedded above.
Source: IGN